Who am I?

Hello there!

I'm Joey Grace. I often get asked if I'm Joey or Grace. Well, I'm a bit of both I guess, like a secret spy with multiple identities.

I've grew up asking myself that questions like Who AM I? all the time. I was a very moody teenager. Ahhhh, those dark stormy days. As time unfolds, and I grew older (darn!), I came to discover what I like, who I want to be, and what makes me... me.

I love taking photographs. Especially those with big hearts and big smiles. The real ones that comes from deep inside, and they never fail to cheer me up.

Good food also makes my tum tum go round. Especially if I'm accompanied by awesome people ( who patiently let my camera eat first)

Bitten by the travel bug, I love to see the world and the amazing beauty that mother nature has to offer.

For me, this is the little haven for me to marry my words with my photographs to create the perfect bliss. 

So I took the road less travelled, quit a full-time job, and became a freelance. Freelance in what, you ask. Hahaha... if you know me personally, you'll know that I'm like an octopus (as my mum puts it), I do what I love, and my love spans far and wide. Here, I'll love to share with you my love for travels, for pictures, for food, for smiles, for spreading love. 

Exploring the world one step at a time and with a big smile!
So, join me in and escapee and let's run away together! =)

Love, Joey Grace

Catch me if you can joeygracetan@gmail.com


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