Morning Glory
You've probably never heard of this film. Neither did I, until I saw the cast list of Rachel McAdam, Diana Keaton and Harrison Ford. You can't squeeze so many big names onto the screen unless it is a reasonably good film.
And I loved it!
Rachel plays a super hard-working morning TV show producer who got fired. In a desperate attempt, she managed snag the job of Executive producer for a flailing morning TV show. It's a do or die situation wherein she is either the one who gets the programme cut from the air, or she makes a big name for herself by pushing up the plummeting ratings. It was definitely interesting to find out what goes on behind our TV sets every morning.
She never gave up despite the odds against her, which included the diva anchors in the form of Diana and Harrison. With the dead-pan pessimistic judgement everyone gave her, any lesser beings would have crumble in the face of adversity. But Rachel hung on, changed, made it big and got it together. It is one motivational chick flick which I thoroughly enjoyed. Face-paced and snappy in dialogue, there wasn't a dull moment. To watch Harrison Ford as the orge was a refreshing change from his Indiana Jones outfit. Rachel Adams was, as usual, a delight to watch.