Myanmar - A life changing sojourn
On a recent soujorn to Myanmar, my world changed.
I took this photograph on the last day of the trip. On the orders of shifu, I set out to distribute some snacks to whoever I find outside our hotel. I was a girl on a mission. My first solo mission. I felt the weight of the food on my shoulders. I didn't know if I was ready.
I came across a mother feeding her child with rice from a big, white plastic bag. I cannot imagine what it must taste like - food thrown together crudely into a used plastic bag. It must be cold. Unpalatable. I cannot imagine what it feels like - having to use your soiled hands to pinch this food and put it into the mouth of your child.
But, they were eating very happily (as you and I would when we eat). There was no tyrannic child screaming murder of how terrible the food tasted, refusing to eat or slapping away the mother's hands. On the contrary, this little girl nibbled gratefully when her mother put food into her mouth.
And when I presented them with my meagre gifts, the bright light that shone gently through their eyes rocked my world.
Joy. Such simple joy.
How many of us can claim such joy when receiving gifts? How many of us secretly harbour thoughts of disdain when we receive gifts that we do not want? How many of us truly appreciate what we are given?
With Christmas around the corner, I hope that this season of giving will take on new meaning for you. Price tags are what companies put on things. You don't give people gifts because it's expensive. Love is what you mean by gifts. No matter how small it may be, it is the precious thoughts behind each gift that makes it special. It is by far a greater gift to give than to receive. So, give with a big heart. And receive with an even bigger smile.
Thank you for reading and sharing. =D
Yangon, Myanmar, 2015
Taken with Samsung S6
All rights reserved © Joey Grace